September 29, 2023: Full Moon at Aries 6°00’, 5:58 am EDT.
The Aries Full Moon highlights the desire of the individual for freedom while simultaneously longing for relationship with another. We humans are social animals; we are not meant to be alone. All relationships require negotiation and compromise, which is an acquired skill. Compromise can be antithetical to Aries (Kephera); Libra (Ma’at) can sometimes fall into the trap of people pleasing to keep the peace. At this Full Moon a fundamental question emerges: how can we fully be who we are while also in relationship?
This Full Moon takes place against the backdrop of the Jupiter/Uranus (Horus/Wadjet) conjunction in Taurus (Hathor). Jupiter expands – in this case, the unpredictable energy of Uranus. This conjunction is not exact – these two are 8 degrees apart and separating. None the less, it is long lasting – this conjunction cycle began in August and will complete in May 2024.
Venus (Isis) and Uranus are square. Venus – principle of values – is challenged by the shattering influence of Uranus. This is the completion of a long transit of Venus through Leo (Anubis) and in a challenging relationship to Jupiter and Uranus, one that began in June. Our values are changing. This is happening rapidly and is understandably confusing.
Lastly, Pluto (Osiris) – Lord of the Underworld and the symbol of transformation and change – has returned to the natal degree of the United States Pluto. This is the completion of the US Pluto Return, which began in February 2022. This has been a Dark Night of the Soul for the US - dangerous and intense. Our collective journey through the Underworld is almost complete. And not all who enter the Underworld emerge intact.
During this Full Moon Window, take extra care with your relationships. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.
