March 21, 2023: New Moon at Aries 00°50’, 1:23 pm EDT.
This is the first of two Aries New Moons; the second will be a Solar Eclipse on the last degree of Aries on April 19/20. Aries - Kephera, the Rising Sun in the Egyptian pantheon - is the first sign of the zodiac, and the sign of new beginnings. This emphasis on “new” is appropriate. This New Moon is aligned with the Aries Equinox and initiates a new round on the Zodiac Wheel. Saturn entered the water sign Pisces on March 7 and Pluto will tiptoe temporarily into Aquarius on March 23. We are in the midst of a huge shift and Warrior Aries leads the way.
Aries people are by nature interested in the new. They are spontaneous, impulsive, and can be competitive. This fire sign wants to experience life to the fullest. Breaking out of the confines of the status quo takes strength, which is necessary in our current situation.
This New Moon is part of a T-square with Warrior Mars and Ceres, the dwarf planet associated with nurturing. The Sun/Moon conjunction is aligned with Mercury and Neptune, also part of the T-square with Mars and Ceres. Most people want to be nurturing and kind, but we do not agree on what that should look like. We are struggling to find a collective path that will support everyone’s needs.
We stand at the portal to a new world, and overshadowing this transition is Pluto - the most intense astrological archetype of all. Lord of the Underworld - Osiris to the Egyptians - Pluto is the God of Death and Rebirth. From March 23 to June 11, Pluto/Osiris will be in Aquarius before returning to Capricorn for the rest of the year. This brief entry of the archetypal symbol of the Death/Rebirth Cycle into Aquarius, the sign of the collective, will provide a preview of the huge transformational process yet to come.
March 20, 2023, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
