In Greek myth, Chiron was a centaur - half human, half horse. There are several stories regarding his origin, most of which revolve around abandonment by his mother. In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Chiron is one of two astrological elements (the other is the sign Leo) aligned with Anubis. Anubis was also abandoned by his mother and, like Chiron, grew up to be one of the most respected beings of his mythological pantheon.
In astrology, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. It’s placement in the chart describes our core wound of abandonment. From a planetary perspective, the movement of Chiron through the Zodiac describes areas of wounding in the collective psyche.
In 2018 Chiron entered Aries, where it will remain until 2027. Chiron in Aries highlights the dysfunctional ways in which we humans manage conflict. Chiron is currently conjunct to Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord, also stationary. The myth of Eris addresses the imbalance of power between masculine and feminine energies that has been woven into our cultural institutions.
The astrological symbol for Chiron is an old-fashioned key. During retrograde periods of Chiron, we have an opportunity to unlock and examine our core wound. During this retrograde period, Chiron will travel from Aries 23° to 19°. If you have planets in this area, this is a potent time of healing for you. Collectively, there will be opportunities to address the wounds that have resulted from the imbalance of power woven into our cultural systems. This Chiron station reveals our collective wounding around these issues; the retrograde period will provide opportunities to heal.
Chiron/Anubis will be retrograde from July 26 until December 29.
July 24, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
