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  • Writer's pictureRuby Falconer

Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse

September 17, 2024:  Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at Pisces 25°40’, 10:34 pm EDT.


Our current phase of experience began with the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse and ends with this Partial Lunar Eclipse. We enter the portal between two phases of experience and exit with an Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2.


This Full Moon Eclipse will be marked by both magic and mystification. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, will be aligned with the Moon and opposite the Sun. The Full Moon will square Jupiter in Gemini. The on-going Saturn/Jupiter square will form a T-square with Mercury in Virgo. Mutable energy – fluid and malleable – is strong.


All three of the outer planets are moving through the last degrees of signs they have been transiting since 2018:  Uranus in Taurus [Earth]; Neptune in Pisces [Water]; Pluto in Capricorn [Earth]. By the next Eclipse Season – March 13 – 29, 2025 – Pluto will be firmly in Aquarius. By May 2026, all three will have moved into fire and air: Uranus in Gemini [Air]; Neptune in Aries [Fire]; Pluto in Aquarius [Air]. This is a big shift and our world will be very different.


At this Eclipse Portal, the veils are thin and nothing is as it seems. The invitation is to open to the mystery; the challenge is to simultaneously ground firmly in Earth reality. The Shamanic Egyptian archetypes of this Full Moon Window are Sothis – the Boddhisattva allied with the Blue Star Sirius – and Nekhbet – the Crone Priestess. These feminine archetypes are loving but also detached. They support us in walking our Soul’s Path, both for our own healing and also in service to others.


The Eclipse Portal is like a tunnel, connecting two worlds of experience. Walking through it consciously provides an opportunity to strip away that which you do not want to take with you into the next phase of experience. What is that for you?


September 16, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.

Image: Ut, Planet of Magic Winds by Leoncio22

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