Imagine you are standing in a small square room. The walls of the room begin to move toward you. This is frightening. You know that if the four sides continue to move toward each other, you will be crushed. But there is another force, one that is pushing the four walls away from you. Both forces – the one pushing toward you and the one pushing away – are of equal strength. The result is a standstill. Two forces of equal strength pushing in on one another.
If you are able to imagine this situation, you will understand what Jupiter square Saturn feels like. These two are part of a polarity. Jupiter is expansion, Saturn contraction. With this aspect, the ends of the polarity - the poles – are in an active struggle with each other.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Jupiter is Horus, the Young King. Saturn is Sobek, the Old King. Another polarity – youth and old age.
This square is a 90° aspect on the 20-year cycle of relationship between Jupiter and Saturn. In all astrological cycles, the 90° square provides an opportunity to assess how we’re doing with actualizing the promise held by the conjunction – the beginning of the cycle. This current cycle began with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at Aquarius 0°, exact at the 2020 December Solstice. There are many who feel that this conjunction – which put on an amazing show in the night sky for much of 2020 – accelerated our movement into the Age of Aquarius.
While the 2020 conjunction only came into exactitude once (at the December Solstice), this is the second of three exact squares. The first took place in August, the second is now, and the third will happen in June. This entire period is defined by the feeling of standing in that four-sided room with unseen forces simultaneously pushing the walls in and out. Something new is being forged from this pressure.
December 23, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
