In 2020, we Earthlings were treated to a spectacular show from Jupiter and Saturn. As the year wore on and Covid raged, these two astrological giants inched closer to one another, dominating the night sky. The conjunction culminated on December 21 – the Solstice – and these two merged into a bright and beautiful spotlight. Jupiter and Saturn conjunct one another every 20 years and this conjunction, at 0° Aquarius, was the tightest and brightest in decades. There are many astrologers – me included – who consider this conjunction to be a major portal for the Aquarian Age.
Jupiter and Saturn have now moved into the first quarter square of their 20-year cycle. The first quarter square provides opportunities to assess how on track we are in the manifestation of the promise expressed at the conjunction. At this first square Jupiter is in Gemini and Saturn is in Pisces. The promise – where the conjunction took place – was 0° Aquarius. The birth of a New Age. This square brings up the question - how are we doing in manifesting the New Age?
Gemini and Pisces are mutable signs, both very fluid, but in different ways. Gemini is mentally fluid; Pisces is emotionally fluid. A square between these two suggests a tug of war between a plethora of possibilities and a slew of reactions. Jupiter is the principle of expansion; Saturn is the principle of contraction. Possibilities expand and overwhelm; emotions contract and constrain.
This is not a quick transit. We began to feel this square about a month ago and it’s picking up strength. These two will exactly square one another at 17° Gemini/Pisces on August 19. They will remain in relationship with each other – sometimes tight, sometimes light – until June 2025 when the energy will shift to Cancer/Aries. Same animal, different spots. We will revisit.
August 13, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
