February 12, 2025: Full Moon at Leo 24°06’, 8:53 am EST.
This Moon cycle began on January 29th with the Aquarius New Moon. Aquarius is about the collective. The Full Moon is in Leo, the sign of the individual. If one is wholly an individual, one cannot be part of a collective. Conversely, if one is fully part of the collective, one cannot be an individual.
We are now entering The Aquarian Age – a 2000-year cycle of Earth experience. Its intention is to create a new collective reality. There are questions inherent to the Leo/Aquarius opposition: when do the needs of the community take precedence over the rights and needs of the individual? And conversely: when do individual needs rise above the rights and needs of the collective?
In the Egyptian pantheon these oppositional energies are expressed through Ptah (ally of Aquarius) and Anubis (ally of Leo). Ptah is the creator of Heaven and Earth. Ptah is a visionary with his eyes cast toward the horizon. He is less concerned about individual needs and more interested in what needs to be created in support of humanity. Anubis has far more human concerns. He struggles with abandonment issues and grieves the loss of his mother. Healing these issues is essential; he cannot step into his sacred purpose until he resolves them. Anubis understands abandonment and his gentle compassion is an essential aspect of who he is.
This Full Moon opposition forms a t-square with Uranus, recently turned direct. Uranus is allied with Wadjet, the Cobra Kundalini Goddess. Wadjet uses her energy to shatter blocks to the free flow of life force energy. When Uranus/Wadjet is strong, people and events are unpredictably erratic. Expect the unexpected.
February 11, 2025, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
