August 4, 2024: New Moon at Leo 12°34’, 7:13 am EDT.
Leo natives, ruled by the Sun, use their considerable charisma to make an impact on their world. The shadow danger lies in excessive egotism – megalomania at its extreme. The light expression is a joyful certainty of purpose that lights up the path for others.
This Leo New Moon falls with Mercury stationary, turning retrograde in Virgo. Jupiter – principle of expansion – has moved into a first quarter square to Saturn – principle of contraction. The essential Earth principles of expansion/contraction are struggling with one another, cancelling each other out and creating a feeling of stasis.
Venus, symbol of values, is on the last degree of Leo and in a quincunx – a relationship of irritation – with both Neptune and Pluto. Together these three form a Yode, a pattern sometimes called a Finger of God. A question lies within this formation: What do we value? What do we want? What do we need in order to have the planetary culture we want to experience?
Every 28 days, the Dark Moon window provides a time of contemplation, an opportunity to meditate on the issues surfacing within our lives. This inward energy is amplified at this New Moon by the station of Mercury. The invitation is to examine ways in which we may have lost our way, fallen prey to the fascination of false leadership; the gaudy exhibitionism that screams to the world, “Look at me, look at me, look at me.”
The question being presented is one of values: What really matters to you? What gives you joy? Peer into the darkness of the moonless night and find the truth illuminated within your heart. Let this truth guide your path forward at this very important time. Ask yourself, “What do I truly want?”
August 3, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
