November 23, 2022: New Moon at Sagittarius 01°37’, 5:57 pm EST.
Something has changed but we don’t know what it is.
We exited the Eclipse Portal with the Taurus Full Moon on November 8, US Election Day. We are now in a new phase of experience, one that will last until April 20, 2023 - the beginning of our next Eclipse Series. The Saturn/Uranus square is still in effect but waning – now at 3 degrees. This square has dominated the last two years, creating a persistent sense of being stuck in place while something undefined percolates under the surface. This energy is beginning to diminish.
While we may sense we’re in a different place, we haven’t a clue as to what this new energy will look like or how it will behave. The uncertainty is understandable. Mars continues retrograde in Gemini, in a t-square with Neptune and Ceres and in a loose square to stationary Jupiter. There’s a lot of bluff and bluster but not much forward motion.
Sagittarius is the sign of the Righteous Warrior – one who fights for an ideal. Jupiter – the principle of expansion and the Young King Horus in Egyptian myth - is stationary during this Dark Moon, turning direct within 5 minutes of the exact New Moon. Stationary Jupiter in the water sign Pisces, in a loose conjunction to Neptune (ruler of Pisces) and square to Warrior Mars, is the source of this expanded confusion around right action. Jupiter will reenter the fire sign Aries on December 20, near the Solstice and at the end of our current Moon phase. Expect an explosion of activity once Jupiter returns to the sign associated with initiatory action.
In this moment, we are still under water. Battle lines are being drawn, strategies explored, and energies redirected. Action is stirring but direction is unclear. More will be revealed by the end of the year.
November 22, 2022, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
