November 15, 2024: Full Moon at Taurus 24°00’, 4:28 pm EST;
Saturn Stationary, turning Direct at 9:20 am EST.
As we approach this Taurus Full Moon, the feeling of constraint is palpable. Saturn began its final approach to station at the end of October and the squeeze has been gradually increasing.
In Egyptian myth, Saturn is Sobek, the Old King. Sobek is the crocodile god, sometimes depicted as a human with the head of a crocodile. His origins stretch back into pre-history. He came to be associated with pharaonic power, fertility, military prowess and the Nile. Sobek was a protector. His fierceness deflected the evil eye and defended the pharaoh against those with ill intentions.
In traditional astrology, Saturn is the principle of constraint and is positioned at one end of a polarity, opposite Jupiter, the principle of expansion. Saturn is associated with the reptilian brain, the part of our psyche that is focused on survival and is resistant to change. Change will bring the death of some part of us – death of an attitude, a belief, a way of doing things. We humans are programmed to fear death and we therefore resist change.
While transits and stations of Saturn are associated with feelings of constraint and even oppression, they are simply one end of a spectrum. We breathe in and we breathe out. We expand and we contract. We cannot experience one without the other.
This Taurus Full Moon – Hathor in Egyptian myth – brings an awareness of feelings of constraint and oppression within our bodies. Feel it. Breathe into it. The Taurus Moon is conjunct to Uranus – Wadjet, the Kundalini Cobra Goddess. New life is quickening within, and the birth pains are strong. Saturn holds and protects that new life until it is strong enough to break the bonds that both protect and oppress.
November 14, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
