These articles will focus on two important aspects in the US Election Day chart: the on-going alignment between Chiron and Eris, and the completion of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn and current opposition to Mars.
Eris and Chiron: Eris is the Greek Goddess of Strife and Discord. Chiron is the Wounded Healer. In Egyptian myth Chiron is Anubis in his role as guide to the newly deceased into the Underworld. Eris does not have an Egyptian counterpart.
Eris is a shit-stirrer. Whenever there is dissatisfaction with the status quo, Eris is there. She shows up with Mars at all the battles, sowing seeds of discontent. In her myth, Eris becomes furious when she is not invited to a wedding. She takes her revenge by throwing a golden apple inscribed with the words, “To the fairest of them all” into a group of beautiful goddesses. They all insist that the apple is intended for them, fomenting a conflict that erupts into the Trojan War.
Eris was discovered in 2005 and is categorized as a Dwarf Planet. Far out in our solar system, her orbit around the Sun takes 559 years; most people alive today have Eris in Aries. Eris was discovered in 2005 and has played an important role in the realignment of the yin/yang polarity. Uranus moved through a conjunction to Eris in 2016/2017, paralleling the collective furor over Donald Trump’s treatment of women, exposed by the Access Hollywood tapes (October 2016), and the MeToo movement (2017).
Chiron moved into alignment with Eris in May, where it will remain through 2027. During this time there are opportunities for healing the power differential created by what is commonly called the Patriarchy, a societal over-valuing of yang energy and a disdain for yin or feminine energy. “Women’s issues” are particularly important in this election.
November 4, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
